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Viser 1–10 av 48 treff.
  • Video transcription Davy Kager, Susan van den Akker

    18.04.2021 | Artikkel

    ...select your favourite system voice and the also speed is possible to adapt to your preference. You can add bookmarks, notes, and highlight important parts of the book and make flash cards for extra support ...
  • Video transcription Davy Kager, Susan van den Akker

    07.09.2023 | Artikkel

    ...select your favourite system voice and the also speed is possible to adapt to your preference. You can add bookmarks, notes, and highlight important parts of the book and make flash cards for extra support ...
  • Video transcription Lisanne Aardoom, Dorine in t’ Veld

    18.04.2021 | Artikkel

    ...communication chips could be applied, NFC chips. In combination with an app, these allow users to add their own recordings to the map on their mobile phone. This personalising the map. A little technical ...
  • Video transcription Lisanne Aardoom, Dorine in t’ Veld

    07.09.2023 | Artikkel

    ...communication chips could be applied, NFC chips. In combination with an app, these allow users to add their own recordings to the map on their mobile phone. This personalising the map. A little technical ...
  • Statpeda geavaheaddjiperspektiivvas

    13.03.2015 | Kapittel

    ...oažžut ođđa máhtu ja nannet iežaset identitehta seammás go doaibmá ovttas earáiguin. Oahppu ja bargu addet ovttaskas olbmuide eambbo fámu ja friddjavuođa válljet iežaset eallinbálgáid, ja lasiha vejolašvuođa ...
  • Utredning og diagnose

    01.03.2018 | Kapittel

    Differensialdiagnostikk er avgjørende fordi APD både kan ligne på og sameksistere med for eksempel ADD/ADHD dysleksi språkvansker lærevansker autismespekterforstyrrelser (Ukvitne & Nicholas, 2017) Dette ...
  • PV lohkan - lohkangeahččaleapmi mainna kárte oainnu davvisámegillii

    29.11.2019 | Kartleggingsmateriell

    ...dieđuid movt teakstasturrodat váikkuha lohkamii vissis guhkodagain. Bohtosat, oktan visus bohtosiiguin, addet buriid dieđuid oainnu birra ja movt olmmoš atná oainnu. Les omtale av kartleggingsprøven på norsk ...
  • Video transcription Sarah Morley Wilkins

    18.04.2021 | Artikkel

    ...scan print music using music scanning and recognition software. Next, you make any corrections and add mark up to fix any internal structure not present in the scanned file. Then you import the marked up ...
  • Dysleksi og andre vansker

    04.08.2023 | Kapittel

    ...hyppigere forekomst av matematikkvansker (dyskalkuli) vansker med oppmerksomhet, konsentrasjon og atferd (ADD/ADHD) Noen ganger er det derfor behov for  tverrfaglige utredninger av barn med dysleksi. Følger av ...
  • Juvenile Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis, Childhood Dementia and Education

    09.05.2019 | Bok/hefte

    ...ceroid lipofuscinosis (JNCL).  Read in Norwegian The present book builds on existing literature and adds to it by reporting findings from an international project. The book draws on findings from seven countries ...