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Video transcription Isabelle Berget, Jorunn Ytrehorn Wiik
...enhance literacy skills for a child in primary school? JORUNN: This presentation is entitled How an unconventional introduction to Braille Can Motivate and Enhance Literacy Skills for a Child in Primary School ...Video transcription Isabelle Berget, Jorunn Ytrehorn Wiik
...enhance literacy skills for a child in primary school? JORUNN: This presentation is entitled How an unconventional introduction to Braille Can Motivate and Enhance Literacy Skills for a Child in Primary School ...Litterære opplevelser
...inspirere alle til gode litterære opplevelser. Vi ønsker gode møter med litteratur. Vi vil dele innspill om hvordan du kan bruke litteratur i hverdagen, og ønsker at dere kan legge til rette for magiske øyeblikk ...Video transcription Penny Rosenblum, Kim Zebehazy
...the university of British Columbia. PENNY: Hi, I'm Dr. Penny Rosenblum at the American Foundation for the Blind. KIM: We want to begin our session by sharing with you the model of graphic interpretation ...Video transcription Carina Söderberg
...activities CARINA: Welcome. My name is Carina Söderberg, I'm an advisor at the Swedish National Agency for Special Needs Education in Schools. I'm here to talk about my degree project. 15 credits called "Sometimes ...Video transcription Gyntha Goertz, Ann Conefrey teaching braille to young children, we had a long-cherished dream, let's come up with a series of customised tactile books for children starting to read braille. We wanted to develop a series of early ...Møter i Teams
...kalenderen. Trykk Ctrl+5 eller Ctrl+6, avhengig av oppsettet, for å gå til kalenderen i Teams. Her trykker du Tab/Shift+Tab for å bytte mellom avtalene, og pil høyre/venstre for å gå til neste/forrige dag ...Barnets stemme: Ressurser til arbeid med selvbestemmelse
Kartleggingsverktøy og skjema du kan bruke for å hjelpe barnet til å utvikle sin stemme og fremme sine synspunkter. Barnets stemme har vært et sentralt tema i skolen de senere årene. For å hjelpe barnet til å utvikle ...Video transcription Abigale Stangl
...with Tactile Graphics and Tactile Art. The Tactical Media Alliance was formed by Ann Cunningham, who's a tactile artist and author, as well as myself, who is an academic researcher in the field of human-computer ...Video transcription Abigale Stangl
...with Tactile Graphics and Tactile Art. The Tactical Media Alliance was formed by Ann Cunningham, who's a tactile artist and author, as well as myself, who is an academic researcher in the field of human-computer ...