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(1997) estimerte at 2–3 % av alle barn har APD, med en mannlig dominans på 2:1. Derimot estimerte Hind m.fl. (2011) forekomsten av APD blant barn og unge voksne til 0,5–1% av den generelle befolkning. Hos ...Forskning på bruk av programmering i opplæringen
...metakognisjon og logisk tenkning. (5) (1) Karna-Lin, E., Pihlainen-Bednarik, K., Sutinen, E. & Virnes, M. (2006) Can Robots Teach? Preliminary Results on Educational Robotics in Special Education. International ...Litteraturtips
...autisme Mitchell, David: Hvad der virker i inkluderende undervisning Dalfolo A/S (2015). Martinsen, H m/ fl: Mennesker med autismespekterforstyrrelser (ASD). Gyldendal akademisk 2016. Martinsen, H; Nærland ...Små ører – store muligheter
...forteller om hørsel og cochleaimplantat (CI). Se filmen med tegnspråktolking Små ører - store muligheter m/tolk ...Video transcription Carla Sena & Barbara Jardao
Teaching cartography BARBARA: Hi everyone, I'm Barbara Jordão and my partner is Carla Sena. We are from São Paulo, Brazil, and we are geographers. Today we are here to present our research teaching geography ...Video transcription Abigale Stangl(2)
Consumption ABIGALE: Hi, my name is Abigale Stangl, I'm a computing innovation post doctoral research fellow at the University of Washington, and I'm here presenting research titled, Defining Problems of ...Video transcription Abigale Stangl(2)
Consumption ABIGALE: Hi, my name is Abigale Stangl, I'm a computing innovation post doctoral research fellow at the University of Washington, and I'm here presenting research titled, Defining Problems of ...Video transcription Oliv Klingenberg
Building Assessment into Instruction OLIV: Welcome. My name is Oliv Klingenberg, and in this lecture, I'm pleased to share with you an activity I have used when trying to understand how children with a visual ...Litteratur
Adams, M. R. (1990). The demands and capacities model I: Theoretical elaborations. Journal of Fluency Disorders, 15, 135–141. Bebout, L., & Arthur, B. (1997). Attitudes toward speech disorders: Sampling ...Hurtigtaster i Windows forstørrelsesprogram
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