Viser 261–270 av 289 treff.
...funksjon for å kunne kommunisere med læreren. Showbie skjermdump Ressursbank En annen pedagogisk nytteverdi i verktøyet er muligheten for å lage ressursbanker. En regnebok i matematikk kan være uoversiktlig ...Autisme og synsvansker
K. (2012): Blindhet, autismelignende vansker og autisme. Spesialpedagogikk 10 2012, 12-20. Gense, M. H og Gense. D.J. (2005). Autism spectrum disorders and visual impairment. Meeting students’ learning ...Video transcription Anne Bottenheft, Dorine in t’ Veld
...and tactile images. The present sheet shows all these components. My name is Anne Bottenheft and I'm a specialist on image description at Dedicon in the Netherlands. Dedicon is a nonprofit organisation ...Video transcription Ans Withagen
Hello, good afternoon from the Netherlands. I'd like to introduce myself. My name is Ans Withagen, I'm a special educationalist and I worked for 30 years at Royal Dutch Visio. I was working at a school for ...Video transcription Kanako Fukada
Instruction of appropriate hand movements using teaching materials KANAKO: My name is Kanako Fukuda. I'm an assistant professor at Utsunomiya University in Japan. The topic of the presentation is teaching ...Titans of Space
...styre og zoome. Appen inneholder navn og faktaopplysninger av det du ser. (Ikke norsk, men engelsk m.fl.). En stor fordel med vr-teknologi er at den legger til rette for en utvidet, visuell støtte og ...Stress
...ier, bl.a. etter idé fra Tony Attwood, er nærmere beskrevet i Håndbok, 2018, s. 18-20 og Martinsen m.fl., 2016, s. 149-151. Bruk av regler kan bidra til stressdemping. Dette kan være atferdsregler eller ...Video transcription Ans Withagen
Hello, good afternoon from the Netherlands. I'd like to introduce myself. My name is Ans Withagen, I'm a special educationalist and I worked for 30 years at Royal Dutch Visio. I was working at a school for ...Video transcription Kanako Fukada
Instruction of appropriate hand movements using teaching materials KANAKO: My name is Kanako Fukuda. I'm an assistant professor at Utsunomiya University in Japan. The topic of the presentation is teaching ...Video transcription Anne Bottenheft, Dorine in t’ Veld
...and tactile images. The present sheet shows all these components. My name is Anne Bottenheft and I'm a specialist on image description at Dedicon in the Netherlands. Dedicon is a nonprofit organisation ...