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Viser 3211–3220 av 3439 treff.
  • Video transcription Astrid K. Vik, Gro Aasen, Silje Benonisen

    07.09.2023 | Artikkel

    ...are that children who are intended to be future braille readers should be exposed for the written language equally as for children who are intended to learn print. In addition, children with a severe visual ...
  • Video transcription Astrid K. Vik, Gro Aasen, Silje Benonisen

    18.04.2021 | Artikkel

    ...are that children who are intended to be future braille readers should be exposed for the written language equally as for children who are intended to learn print. In addition, children with a severe visual ...
  • Video transcription Isabelle Berget, Jorunn Ytrehorn Wiik

    07.09.2023 | Artikkel

    ...enhance literacy skills for a child in primary school? JORUNN: This presentation is entitled How an unconventional introduction to Braille Can Motivate and Enhance Literacy Skills for a Child in Primary School ...
  • Video transcription Isabelle Berget, Jorunn Ytrehorn Wiik

    18.04.2021 | Artikkel

    ...enhance literacy skills for a child in primary school? JORUNN: This presentation is entitled How an unconventional introduction to Braille Can Motivate and Enhance Literacy Skills for a Child in Primary School ...
  • Video transcription Lindsay Harris

    18.04.2021 | Artikkel

    Auditory Word Learning Among Adult Braille Readers LINDSAY HARRIS: Hello, thank you for attending my presentation today. I will be sharing a PowerPoint of a study called Auditory and Tactile Word Learning ...
  • Video transcription Carla Sena, Waldirene Carmo

    18.04.2021 | Artikkel

    ...researchers from two public universities in Sao Paulo and we have been conducting research in this area for over 20 years. The title of this presentation is Tactile Cartography Courses in the Continued Education ...
  • Video transcription Anneke Blok

    18.04.2021 | Artikkel

    I am a rehabilitation therapist and I work in Amsterdam at Royal Dutch Visio Center of Expertise, for blind and partially sighted people. I'm going to tell you about total preparatory topographical methods ...
  • Eksekutive vansker

    23.10.2019 | Kapittel

    Barn og unge med eksekutive vansker kan derfor ha utfordringer med å: tilpasse egen atferd regulere/kontrollere egne følelser vente på tur lese signaler fra andre ta andres perspektiv forstå andres atferd ...
  • Innstillinger i TalkBack

    12.05.2015 | Kapittel

    ...et nytt vindu kan tilpasses dine egne ønsker og behov. Hvilke innstillinger du kan gjøre, kan variere mellom ulike Android Åpnes i et nytt vindu-enheter og mellom ulike versjoner av TalkBack. TalkBack-innstillinger ...
  • Hva er tolking?

    07.06.2023 | Kapittel

    ...tolke? Hvordan løser tolken den oppgaven? I filmen under får du møte barn fra Voldsløkka barnehage for hørselshemmede. En barnehage som har faste tolker til stede i barnehagen hver dag. Hva tenker de om ...