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Viser 2591–2600 av 2628 treff.
  • Tilpasset opplæring

    23.08.2023 | Kapittel

    Skolehverdagen for barn og unge med nedsatt syn og hørsel eller døvblindhet vil variere fra person til person. Noen går i vanlig skole med seende og hørende elever, med spesielt tilrettelagt undervisningsopplegg ...
  • Ventilasjonsanlegg

    20.06.2016 | Kapittel

    ...likevel. Mange skoler og barnehager har ventilasjonsanlegg hvor enten aggregatet er feil montert direkte til vegg, uten dempning direkte på gulv, eller har anlegget med for få lydfeller (en slags boks) i rørsystemet ...
  • Annerledes i tolkede samtaler

    07.06.2023 | Kapittel

    ...talen kommer fra en annen enn den du snakker med. Når tolken oversetter det den tegnspråklige sier til norsk tale, vil du kanskje intuitivt snu deg og se på tolken. Men etter hvert vil du bli vant med at ...
  • Litteratur

    22.05.2024 | Kapittel

    1016/S0094-730X(03)00009-3 Egeberg, E., (2016). Minoritetsspråk og flerspråklighet. En håndbok i utredning og vurdering. Oslo, Cappelen Damm Akademisk Eggers, K., Van Eerdenbrugh, S., & Byrd, C. T. (2020). Speech disfluencies ...
  • Video transcription Carina Söderberg

    07.09.2023 | Artikkel

    ...asked in this study are, what's accessible without vision? and what is more difficult for braille readings students regarding activities in English? Students take part in a wider range of spare time activities ...
  • Video transcription Frances Mary d’Andrea

    07.09.2023 | Artikkel

    ...a Table-top video magnifier, computer with JAWS but not quite as much. I did a lot of progress monitoring as well. I use this checklist from Literary Braille Skills which is available from www.teachingvisuallyimpaired ...
  • Video transcription Astrid K. Vik, Gro Aasen, Silje Benonisen

    07.09.2023 | Artikkel

    ...chose to work with the tablets, computers, braille displays, embossed printers, audio players and recordings, Mountbatten, Flexiboard which you can see at the picture on the top, this can shortly be described ...
  • Video transcription Frances Mary d’Andrea

    18.04.2021 | Artikkel

    ...a Table-top video magnifier, computer with JAWS but not quite as much. I did a lot of progress monitoring as well. I use this checklist from Literary Braille Skills which is available from www.teachingvisuallyimpaired ...
  • Video transcription Astrid K. Vik, Gro Aasen, Silje Benonisen

    18.04.2021 | Artikkel

    ...chose to work with the tablets, computers, braille displays, embossed printers, audio players and recordings, Mountbatten, Flexiboard which you can see at the picture on the top, this can shortly be described ...
  • Video transcription Natalina Martiniello

    07.09.2023 | Artikkel

    ...training. For example, one participant said: "There was a group at the time and I went to a couple of meetings, but I was kind of turned off because they were all blind and I didn't think I was that bad yet ...