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Video transcription Astrid K. Vik, Gro Aasen, Silje Benonisen
...child has a small hat with feathers on because this is a bird, a small bird and he has, he also touches the wall where there also is a picture of a bird. And we see that they both have costumes, the children ...Video transcription Astrid K. Vik, Gro Aasen, Silje Benonisen
...child has a small hat with feathers on because this is a bird, a small bird and he has, he also touches the wall where there also is a picture of a bird. And we see that they both have costumes, the children ...1.5.1 Eksempel 1: Indiane, Gro og Klementinen
Å utforske en klementin med metoden de minst 12 I denne videoen vil dere se Indiane, Gro og en klementin. Gro kjenner Indiane svært godt. Hun gjenkjenner Indianes måte å vise glede på. Hun vet hvor lenge ...Hvorfor overganger er vanskelige for de som har autisme
...visuelle verktøy Informasjon om pedagogisk bruk av IVAS finner du på våre nettsider. Informasjon om metoden Talking Mats finner du på den svenske nettsiden papunet. Små overganger er også utfordrende Overganger ...6-16 jahkásaččaid giella
...og som bør henvises for videre kartlegging. Screening er den raskeste, letteste og mest effektive metoden for å identifisere barn som trenger videre språkutredning. Loga 6-16 jahkásaččaid giella birra davvisámegillii ...Sammendrag
...i barnehage og Skolefritidsordning (SFO) om hvordan de kan støtte blinde barn i lek med seende. Metoden kan også være nyttig for foreldre for å initiere og støtte barnets lek hjemme. Seende barn som strever ...Video transcription Lisanne Aardoom, Dorine in t’ Veld
...blind... For a blind or partially sighted person to visit the building. Are there things she can touch? Where are the entrance and the reception and how can the blind visitor find this? Is there resistance ...Video transcription Davy Kager, Susan van den Akker
...this video presentation. If you have any questions, of course, feel free to reach out and get in touch with us. Our email addresses are listed on the slide, and will also be provided by the Tactile Reading ...Video transcription Oliv Klingenberg
...the four-cube tower." He has learned to count one, two, three, four, he has learned to count and touch objects, and he has learned that he shall stop the sequence and the moment when he says the same number ...Video transcription Davy Kager, Susan van den Akker
...this video presentation. If you have any questions, of course, feel free to reach out and get in touch with us. Our email addresses are listed on the slide, and will also be provided by the Tactile Reading ...