Viser 211–220 av 263 treff.
...i barnehage og Skolefritidsordning (SFO) om hvordan de kan støtte blinde barn i lek med seende. Metoden kan også være nyttig for foreldre for å initiere og støtte barnets lek hjemme. Seende barn som strever ...Skjermleser
...likevel være lurt med litt veiledning i begynnelsen. Noen fellestrekk ved skjermlesere for enheter med touch-skjerm Selv om Android og iOS er ulike operativsystemer med ulikt grensesnitt, fungerer de grunnleggende ...Video transcription Lisanne Aardoom, Dorine in t’ Veld
...blind... For a blind or partially sighted person to visit the building. Are there things she can touch? Where are the entrance and the reception and how can the blind visitor find this? Is there resistance ...Video transcription Davy Kager, Susan van den Akker
...this video presentation. If you have any questions, of course, feel free to reach out and get in touch with us. Our email addresses are listed on the slide, and will also be provided by the Tactile Reading ...Video transcription Oliv Klingenberg
...the four-cube tower." He has learned to count one, two, three, four, he has learned to count and touch objects, and he has learned that he shall stop the sequence and the moment when he says the same number ...Video transcription Davy Kager, Susan van den Akker
...this video presentation. If you have any questions, of course, feel free to reach out and get in touch with us. Our email addresses are listed on the slide, and will also be provided by the Tactile Reading ...Video transcription Lindsay Harris
...much for your attendance. Again, please email me or reach out another way if you'd like to get in touch. I just have one final slide here, which are references, and I'll mention them all quickly. I cited ...Video transcription Lisanne Aardoom, Dorine in t’ Veld
...blind... For a blind or partially sighted person to visit the building. Are there things she can touch? Where are the entrance and the reception and how can the blind visitor find this? Is there resistance ...Kva er best for barnet?
...som foreldre og andre kan bruke i barnesamtalar: Tenk enkelt. Ver kreativ. Finn og tilpass eigne metodar og verktøy som passar for kvart einskild barn. Barn skal bli høyrde – uansett kommunikasjonsutfordringar ...Kan blinde barn lære å leke med seende jevnaldrende lek sammen med jevnaldrende i trygge rammer. I samarbeid med barnehagen har vi erfart at lekemetoden gir et godt grunnlag for å lykkes med inkludering. Det viser seg at blinde barn som har lært å ...