Viser 111–120 av 954 treff.
Hvis eleven skal lese en bok
...vesentlig enklere å navigere i for elever med nedsatt syn. Dersom du har laget en bok som ivaretar tipsene over vil det være enklere for elever med nedsatt syn og blindhet å navigere i boka. Eleven vil kanskje ...Internett med skjermleser
...i denne delen gjelder for Windows-baserte skjermleserprogrammer og bruk av disse. Skjermleseren VoiceOver fra Apple og ChromeVox fra Google vil kunne fungerer på en litt annen måte. Lenker til disse finner ...Video transcription Cay Holbrook
...would be happy to talk with any of you who have questions about our work. Feel free to contact us over email or talk with us in the question period. One of the things that's really exciting about our research ...Video transcription Cay Holbrook
...would be happy to talk with any of you who have questions about our work. Feel free to contact us over email or talk with us in the question period. One of the things that's really exciting about our research ...Video transcription Dannyelle Valente, Sophie Blain, Anna Rita Galliano, Edouard Gentaz, Dominique Archaumbault, Lola Chennaz
...for the texting. If a page is open and which one also to play with objects that the child can move over the page, smart textiles like some textile of which the resistivity changes when it's folded. And ...Video transcription Dannyelle Valente, Sophie Blain, Anna Rita Galliano, Edouard Gentaz, Dominique Archaumbault, Lola Chennaz
...for the texting. If a page is open and which one also to play with objects that the child can move over the page, smart textiles like some textile of which the resistivity changes when it's folded. And ...Opptak fra Statpedkonferansen 2023
Årets konferanse hadde fokus på utenforskap, skolefravær og de vanskelige overgangene. Tirsdag 14. mars Tirsdag 14. mars Onsdag 15. mars Onsdag 15.mars ...Datatekniske hjelpemidler for blinde
...markedet. De mest brukte for Windows er JAWS, SuperNova og NVDA. Mac har sin egen skjermleser, VoiceOver. Les mer om skjermlesere. Leselist Leselista gjengir i punktskrift det skjermelserprogrammet gjenkjenner ...Video transcription Julie Mulet
...building. They can be verbal, like a person's voice when the pawn enter his or her office or nonverbal, like the sound of the elevator. (indistinct computer voice) We tested this device with five visually ...Video transcription Julie Mulet
...building. They can be verbal, like a person's voice when the pawn enter his or her office or nonverbal, like the sound of the elevator. (indistinct computer voice) We tested this device with five visually ...