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Viser 901–910 av 954 treff.
  • Togetherness in Play and Learning -Special Needs Education in Mainstream Settings

    30.08.2021 | Bok/hefte

    ...inclusive learning activities. Each main section is introduced with a brief introductory text and overview of the individual chapters therein. The anthology is primarily directed at students and professionals ...
  • Synstolking

    21.06.2023 | Kapittel

    ...passende at formålet med synstolkingen er å danne et helhetsinntrykk eller å gi oversikt, for eksempel over hvor i skolegården medelever befinner seg eller hvor ulike aktiviteter foregår. Læreren bør likevel ...
  • Video transcription Anne Bottenheft, Dorine in t’ Veld

    07.09.2023 | Artikkel

    ...accompanying the visual features of comics. How does the cartoonist show that the floor is wet all over? Grope the chromic frame at the very top right top on this page and try to distinguish the three separate ...
  • Taleprosessering og ulike typer språklydsforstyrrelser

    08.08.2024 | Kapittel

    ...utviklingsforløp bruker samme type prosesser i samme alder. Barns evne til å prosessere tale endrer seg over tid. Dette gjør at de kan oppfatte ordlengden og lydstrukturen i ord bedre, slik at uttalen gradvis ...
  • Informasjon om førstespråket/ morsmålet

    02.09.2024 | Kapittel

    2021). Utvikling og opprettholdelse av førstespråket, og også kompetanse på førstespråket, kan avta over tid eller flere generasjoner i et nytt land (Montrul, 2016). Det er derfor stor variasjon i førstespråkferdighetene ...
  • Video transcription Lisanne Aardoom, Geert Maessen

    07.09.2023 | Artikkel

    ...least know about the existence of braille music notation. Most elementary books with introductions, overviews and histories of music do not mention braille music at all. In order to promote knowledge of braille ...
  • Video transcription Ans Withagen

    07.09.2023 | Artikkel

    ...say to the children, "Perhaps touch is better to explore details while vision is better to get an overview of the task. Then we have the memory, further some specifics in memory. The spatial orientation ...
  • Video transcription Lindsay Harris

    07.09.2023 | Artikkel

    ...hearing the pronunciation. So, if that's a hypothesis or the speculation that the working memory was overloaded by processing into modalities simultaneously is correct, then that should go away in our study ...
  • Video transcription Ans Withagen

    18.04.2021 | Artikkel

    ...say to the children, "Perhaps touch is better to explore details while vision is better to get an overview of the task. Then we have the memory, further some specifics in memory. The spatial orientation ...
  • Video transcription Anne Bottenheft, Dorine in t’ Veld

    18.04.2021 | Artikkel

    ...accompanying the visual features of comics. How does the cartoonist show that the floor is wet all over? Grope the chromic frame at the very top right top on this page and try to distinguish the three separate ...