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Video transcription Frances Mary d’Andrea
...that I used a tactile graph paper, braille graph paper so that they could graph their own progress over time. And that was really motivating to them because they could see how many words per minute they ...Video transcription Astrid K. Vik, Gro Aasen, Silje Benonisen
Vik and together with Silje Benonisen and Gro Aasen, we will present some of the best practise all over Norway, and we will also present results from a research project about emergent literacy, held here ...Universelle tiltak i skolen
...pauser Tilpasse skoledagen slik at det gir eleven høy grad av struktur og forutsigbarhet Sikre overganger Tiltak mht. tolking av sanseinntrykk på en annerledes måte Veksling av sittestilling Fikleaktiviteter ...Læring hos barn og unge med synshemming
...synshemming. Rapport fra Statped og NTNU Samfunnsforskning. Tittelen på publikasjonen er "Kunnskapsoversikt over forskningsfunn om læring hos barn og unge med synshemming". Nødvendig med tilrettelegging Tilrettelegging ...Video transcription Ankita Gulati, Boguslaw “Bob” Marek
...employment opportunities available for persons with visual disabilities. As a result the quality of life of over 62 million persons with visual impairment in India is degraded. Limited learning resources and recreational ...Video transcription Frances Mary d’Andrea
...that I used a tactile graph paper, braille graph paper so that they could graph their own progress over time. And that was really motivating to them because they could see how many words per minute they ...Video transcription Ann Adkinds, Debra Sewell, Scott Baltisberger, Sara Kitchen
...speak, is that literacy? When a baby is playing with their spoon and dropping it on the floor over and over again, is that literacy? Our communicative interactions, concept building and motor skill development ...Video transcription Astrid K. Vik, Gro Aasen, Silje Benonisen
Vik and together with Silje Benonisen and Gro Aasen, we will present some of the best practise all over Norway, and we will also present results from a research project about emergent literacy, held here ...Video transcription Boguslaw Bob Marek, Phia Damsma
...called Ballyland Sound Memory. The slide shows two screenshots from this app. The app doesn't use voiceover or talkback, but it's fully accessible for children who are blind because it is self-voicing. It ...Tilpassing og tilgang til litteratur
...tilrettelagt. For personer som har motoriske utfordringer kan du tilrettelegge på ulike måte. Tenk over hvilken form for tilrettelegging dere har gjort, og hva dere eventuelt har behov for. For barn som ...