The first Tactile Reading was held in Stockholm. The conference was arranged by Swedish Agency for Accessible Media (MTM) and National Agency for Special Needs Education and Schools (SPSM). The organizers had the ambition to create a recurrent international conference on issues related to tactile reading, including literacy, with a conference organization touring between European interested parties.
In the video below you can hear Catarina Hägg and Bjørn Wesling talk about the idea behind the Tactile Reading concept and the importance of the conference in the future. Their short video was a part of the program for Tactile Reading 2021.
Tactile Reading 2021 was arranged by Statped, The Norwegian Library of Talking Books and Braille, The Norwegian Association of the Blind and Partially Sighted, and The Norwegian Braille Authority.
The pre-conference on technology and aids was organized by The Norwegian Library of Talking Books and Braille.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the second Tactile Reading conference was held as a digital event. The conference gathered more than 400 participants from 30 countries. The program offered two keynote speakers, four plenary sessions and 37 parallel sessions.
At the time being we are working on the evaluation report, which will be published later.
The third Tactile Reading will be arranged by Dedicon in The Netherlands. Dedicon is the largest producer of alternative reading formats in the Netherlands. Dedicon is subsidized by the Dutch Ministry of Education Culture and Science and by the Dutch Royal Library.