A guide for best practices and interventions
GRO: Hello, I'm Gro Aasen and the title for this presentation is enhancing emergent literacy for braille-readers. A guide for best practices and interventions. I'm presenting this on behalf of myself and my colleagues, Astrid K. Vik and Silje Benonisen. We all work as senior advisors at Statped southeast in Norway, Department of Visual Impairment. This presentation is about our plans for a web-based resource for parents and kindergarten staff about how to stimulate for emergent literacy. In the Norwegian project, "Enhancing emergent literacy for braille-readers," we registered an overall need of knowledge about how to adapt for braille activities in inclusive settings. This guide is intended to be one of the contributions to the practical field. The target group for the guide is individuals that support a future braille reader's literacy, e.g., teachers in kindergartens and schools, parents, teachers for the visual impaired and advisors. The guide is intended to inspire and promote braille literacy for beginners by presentations of ideas to adapt and give examples from best practices. We concentrate on how to stimulate for braille and practical solutions within topics as arts and crafts, making books, using tactile symbols and schedules. Adaptation of games to a tactile mode, music, activities for use of digital tools and writing, among other topics. The web-based guide. We will now show an example from how we plan to present the different activities in the guide by using a game, a well-known activity for many. Here we will show an example from an inclusive game activity, which we will call the Teddy Game, a homemade game. What kind of material do you need? Two boxes with a lid, e.g., a Pringles box, two small bowls. And you need a lid with an X-hole cut in the middle, a square lid suited for throwing dices. You need a tactile dice. And small objects from number of 6 to up to 30 or more to be used as pegs, e.g., like plastic teddy bears or marbles. Procedure. Two players, each have a box and a bowl. Fill the bowls with the pegs. One starts with the dice and puts the amount of pegs as the dice shows through the lid on the top of the box. The next player follows the same procedure. The one who first gets all their pegs in the box is the winner. The child's outcome. Turn-taking and interaction, use of hands, counting and understanding of concepts, navigation and orientation, among other things. The guide is planned to be published on Statped.no this year. And it is intended to be a dynamic tool where new ideas can be shared.